Posted by : Ramez jeudi 27 août 2015

The aggression towards other cats in the house is the most widespread problem; The most common cases are related to the arrival of a new topic on which transfer their aggression anxious cats.

The arrival of a new cat

The arrival of a new cat in a house where already other resident felines can start a fight in an attempt to expel the rival(whether newcomer or resident).
Even the physical change of a subject preventing other cats to "recognize" can sometimes cause this type of aggression: for example, a cat returning from a veterinary clinic can be attacked by others, either because he is sick or because it gives off a strange odor.
Many cats can live together perfectly, but only if we manage to achieve a delicate balance and if the distribution of food is assured.
Males are usually particularly irritable; castration then facilitates their relationship with the community.
Cats are territorial animals: they have a deep awareness of space and distances.Any cat Around a "personal space", accessible only to individuals which it is attached.
Then there is a social space where friends cats live well together, but all the socially compatible subjects can not share their personal space.
The cat actively defends its territory against invaders, and although territories may overlap, cats are not always able to support each other.

Compromise for a good cohabitation

A good distribution of access time favorite places by cats is the best way to make them live peacefully together. This is a true compromise, from the social behavior of cats living in freedom.
A good cohabitation at home is more complex and delicate; it often depends on the abundance of food and the presence of sexually active cats.
It is certain that the stress increases with the number of cats present under one roof: with over twelve cats, conflicts are guaranteed. Generally, the group of cats is organized around a dominant and despotic leader, a group of gregarious cats and a "pariah" any designated victim. In the natural habitat, the "outcast" would be hunted, and distance often seems to be the best solution, even for domestic cats.
Some cases of aggression between cats living in homes where two or three cats, can be sexual type.
A cat acts like a stallion and is aggressive towards other cats he sees as a rival, whether male or female. He grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, trying to mount and strikes.
This type of behavior, such as marking with urine, can persist even in neutered cats. As for the male, neutered after puberty, the masculinization process is already well consolidated, although his sexual impulses are diminished following the removal of his testicles, which are the main - but not the only - source testosterone.
Faced with aggression between two domestic cats, it is necessary, firstly, to separate them physically installing them in different rooms of the house.

Accustom your cat to eat together

At mealtime, install them in transport boxes or in different cages with their meal, and place each in a corner of the room. Closer every day a little more "containers" and their "content."
Thus, each cat learns that he will be rewarded with a meal, only if it supports the presence of the other cat. When cats are able to eat in their box next to one another, without breathing, then you can release them in common rooms.
Another similar method is to feed the cats in two different rooms separated by a door. And then replaces the door of a transparent plastic barrier, which then changes gradually to progressively add olfactory and visual stimuli.
The barrier can be used in another way, by attracting the cat they play not far from each other. If they want to play, they will be less willing to fight, but it is fundamental that the two cats to want to play.
There are medications to reduce the aggressiveness of cats "aggressors" and fear of cats "victims": veterinarians may prescribe diazepam, which often gives good results, especially when fear is at the root of the aggressiveness. However, also observed that in some cases aggression is amplified by anxiolytics outlet.
Progestogens (female reproductive hormones) can also be used to modify aggressive behavior: Buspiron mitigates the fear of "victim" and Amitriptyline calms the aggressor. It is imperative to consult a veterinarian before choosing a drug.

The "transfer" of aggression

The "transfer" of aggression is a typical behavior of cats anxious and withdrawn at home, who can join the other cats on the outside but they perceive the presence.
This phenomenon is quite common: a small provocation enough to trigger violent behavior.
The cat arcboute, begins to blow and spit like a fury, thus relieving all his rage and frustration on anyone within range, be it an animal or a person.
At the core of the problem, there is a normal but not aggressive to evacuate adequately: it is like a person who would tap on objects to vent any frustration.
This problem is characterized above all by his sudden appearance: the situation is paradoxical because this type of aggression occurs between cats close to each other and accept each other normally.
Topics that get along very well usually will suddenly seem to want to kill: they cling wrap and blowing furiously.
If cats are separated immediately after the episode of aggression, the problem will be quickly forgotten. For this type of problem, the strategy of the incremental approach with interposition of a barrier works well.

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